Ken Hennings
Rev. Ken Hennings was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He graduated from St. John’s Lutheran College in Winfield, Kansas, and Concordia Senior College in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and earned his Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1973.
Hennings’s first Call was to Trinity Lutheran Church in Uvalde, Texas. In 1978 he accepted the Call to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fort Worth, where he served as pastor until 1991. He accepted the Call to serve as the Executive Director of the Board of Mission Administration of the Texas District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Austin. He served as Mission and Ministry Coordinator of the Texas District and worked with the Board of Mission Administration in directing the District’s mission outreach. In 2006 he was elected President of the Texas District, continuing with the Mission and Ministry Facilitators team to provide leadership for the congregations of the Texas District to “reach the lost, disciple the saved, and care for people… locally and globally.” Hennings served as President of the Texas District through August 2018. From 2015 to 2018 he was Chairman of the Council of Presidents of the LCMS.
Hennings served as Chairman of the North American Mission Executives of the LCMS, Chairman of Floor Committee #1 (Missions) for the 2010 LCMS Convention. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lutheran Outdoors Ministry of Texas, Chapter Advisor to Lutherans for Life, Facilitator of the LCMS New Church Development Task Force, Zone Counselor for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), and as a member of the LCMS Harmony Task Force.
Hennings and his wife, Val, are members of Faith Lutheran Church in Georgetown. They have four children and eight grandchildren: Kim (Eric) Otten, with children Nathaniel, Matthew, and Joanna of Omaha, Nebraska; Rev. Paul Hennings, (and Ellie) with children Theo and Toby of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Rev. Luke (Lisa) Hennings, with children Logan, Caleb, and Grant of Mesa, Arizona; and Erika Hennings of New York, New York.