Paul Maier

Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier is a graduate of Harvard University (MA, 1954), of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (M.Div., 1955), and of the University of Basel Switzerland (Ph.D., 1957). Since 1958 he served as campus Chaplain to Lutheran students at Western Michigan University, where he also taught as Professor of History from 1960 until his retirement in 2011. He served as a four-term Vice President of the LCMS and has published numerous books. Seven of his books he has written for children.

After completing A Man Spoke, The World Listened, the biography of his father, Dr. Walter A. Maier, the founding speaker of The Lutheran Hour, Dr. Maier turned to writing documentary novels: Pontus Pilot and Flames of Rome. These were followed by a fiction trilogy: Skeleton in God’s Closet, More Than a Skeleton, and Constantine Codex. First Christmas and First Easter are included in Fullness of Time. Maier’s latest book is The Genuine Jesus: Fresh Evidence from History and Archeology.

Maier has also recorded four seminars on DVD focusing on Jesus, St. Paul, the Early Church, and contemporary Christianity. He conducts Mediterranean cruises to the Bible Lands.

Paul and his wife Joan have four daughters - Laura (Brett), Julie, Krista (Zach), and Katie (Brad), and nine grandchildren - Christine, Nicole, Anna, Drew, Rachel, Mark, Ben, Adam, and Luke.