What The Missio Dei IS

The Missio Dei meaning is Sending of God.

The Sending of God, which belongs to Him, is the sending of God’s Son, Jesus Christ into the world to love, restore, and keep it (John 17).

The Missio Dei, is the lens to interpret and understand the Scriptures, as well as all doctrine, the church, ministry, and the world.

The Sending of God is the authority given to Christ (Christology focus) to send away sin, temporal and eternal death for saving the lost.

The Missio Dei is the prime work and act of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Sending of God, as the primary activity of God, is the hub around which all ministry and mission of the church must be aligned.

The Missio Dei is a participation of all believers individually and collectively with Christ, for proclaiming the Gospel (John 17, 20).

The Sending of God comprises law/Gospel proclamation through the means of grace, including “mutual conversation” in all places.

The Missio Dei is inclusive (intrinsic) of the Great Sending of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the baptized in Christ, to the world to forgive sins and “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).

The Sending of God is the sending of the baptized with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and with a wide variety of spiritual gifts, as an essence for the sending to all cultures.

The Missio Dei is Christianity’s central or core teaching and is likewise that of being freely justified for Christ’s sake through faith.

The Sending of God in Christ to the world inherently includes God’s creation of the One Holy Christian apostolic Church for the world.

Rev. Dr. Wilbert J. Sohns
  • immersion initiator and general author and editor of the Great Sending: God’s Heart Beating Through You

  • former LCMS Wyoming District President

  • former member and chairman of LCMS Board for Missions

  • former Pastor, serving churches in Cambridge, NE; Casper, WY; Broomfield, CO; Springfield, IL; Cheyenne, WY; and, in retirement, Aleman, TX


What the Missio Dei Is NOT