Yared Halche

The Rev. Dr. Yared Halche was born and raised in Ethiopia and had the opportunity to study theology in Ethiopia, Norway, and the United States. In 2009, he earned his Ph.D. in Missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Yared started serving in Mekane Yesus Church (The Lutheran Church of Ethiopia) as a youth leader during the difficult communist era. His professional career began as a seminary teacher in South Ethiopia, and then he later served as a missionary and mission developer in the United States.

Additionally, he served as a regional director for the African Immigrants Ministry on the West Coast. Yared, guided by the apostolic directives of Christ, also led a church revitalization and a new missional congregation start in Las Vegas, Nevada. He has a pastor’s heart and pastored a congregation in Indiana whose membership represented 17 different countries. Yared currently serves as Executive Director of Witness in the Southeastern District of the LCMS. He is married to Bethel Sine, M.D., and the LORD has blessed them with two children.

Yared has published a book: Witness Beyond Borders: Emerging Missionaries and Collaborative Missional Engagement